1 in 6 people battle infertility, and so do we. After years of struggle and failed rounds of IVF, we started MyVitro to help others take control of their fertility treatments.

Patrick and Danielle Hall
Co-Founders, MyVitro
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is more common than many realize—there were 284,385 cycles in the U.S in 2017 alone. Thousands of dollars worth of drugs, needles, pens, and supplies arrived on our doorstep prior to our fertility treatment. Our first reaction was “what are we supposed to do with all of this?” We ended up storing everything inside an old clothes hamper! With thousands of products on the market to help organize every other aspect of our lives, why wasn’t there something specific for fertility treatments? That’s when we had the idea for our IVF Organizer, which we developed and now provide with other accessories to our customers.
There continues to be a sense of stigma and shame tied to infertility, which means there are many of us who need support and don’t know where to find it. We have designed our products to help people going through treatments feel supported, in control of their health, and confident with their injections.
Read more about Patrick’s Infertility Journey
Read about Danielle’s Perspective on Infertility